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Our expertise on the spot

WESSLING Consulting Engeneering - the knowledge company. Our strength: With us, experts from many different disciplines work together to find the best solution.

We see knowledge transfer in our daily work as one of the great enrichments. In this way we remain inspired and can in turn become initiators ourselves. That is why we are not only looking for answers internally, but also through cooperation with other companies, with associations or authorities, which should serve to improve the quality of life for all of us. This results in areas in which we have developed particular expertise. At this point we would like to give you the best possible overview:

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Extreme Wetterereignisse wie Hitzeperioden, Starkregen und Überschwemmungen nehmen zu. Unternehmen, Kommunen und Institutionen stehen vor der Herausforderung, ihre Planungen und Strukturen klimaresilient zu gestalten. Welche Maßnahmen sind sinnvoll?

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New Sheath Ordinance has been in force now!

Excavator digs excavation

Our experts will advise project developers, planners, clients, and contractors on the implementation.

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