Benefit from our consulting as regards quality assurance for surface water. WESSLING offers you expertise in authorities management, qualified sampling, analysis and evaluation of the results according to the LAWA guideline (German Working Group on w
Gravel and sand quarrying for the construction industry plays a major economic role in numerous areas throughout Germany, primarily in the North German Lowlands or in the floodplain areas of major rivers. It is common practice for deposits to be extracted below groundwater level, leading to the formation of quarry lakes.
WESSLING checks the quality of the new waters that have formed during and after the end of the quarrying work. Amongst other aspects, our experts base their evaluation on the guideline "Erstbewertung von Baggerseen nach trophischen Kriterien" (Initial assessment of quarry lakes according to trophic criteria) of the German Working Group on water issues of the Federal States and the Federal Government (LAWA). They also help you to implement the European Water Framework Directive specifications. These come into play for quarry lakes measuring over 50 hectares.
WESSLING ensures that the new uses of the waters (such as sport or drinking water production) and relevant nature protection aspects are subject to constant control.
„If you are an authority or a quarrying company and require professional advice concerning newly formed waters or surface waters, feel free to contact us! “
We will be happy to support you.