Excellent occupational health and safety standards, once again confirmed, at WESSLING
Once again, WESSLING’s occupational health and safety management has been awarded the BG RCI’s “Sicher mit System” (Systematic Safety) seal of approval - for the fourth time in a row.
Für Unternehmen mit einem Energieverbrauch > 2,5 GWh besteht durch das neue Energieeffizienzgesetz bis zum 1. Januar 2025 eine Melde- und Veröffentlichungspflicht hinsichtlich ihrer Abwärmepotenziale
To ensure that there are no delays in your construction projects in the future, the WESSLING experts offer you comprehensive know-how in the implementation of the innovations.
We create wastewater registers in compliance with the German Wastewater Ordinance (AbwV), Annexes 22, 35 and 38 – for example for companies in the chemical, pharmaceutical, chip and textile industries.
Our special camera makes leaks that can negatively impact climate, visible quickly and easily. In this way, operators ensure environmental protection, safety, and economic efficiency at their plant.
For about three weeks, Justine Olweny from Uganda actively supported us at our locations in Mannheim and Altenberge. The international exchange of experts is organised by the Deutsch-Afrikanisches Jugendwerk (German-African Youth Office).
As part of their climate protection work, many companies aim to optimise their resource and energy efficiency. Customised transformation concepts are a useful tool on the path to greenhouse gas neutrality.