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WESSLING Customer Service

In order to lighten your everyday work load, we have numerous customer services available to you: access your test reports on the WESSLING customer portal, make use of the expertise exchange in the WESSLING Academy and establish a good reputation with the WESSLING seal.

Our services for your company

WESSLING provides individual service packages that are tailored to the needs of your company.

WESSLING public sector

Public sector

WESSLING real estate sector

Real estate

WESSLING building and construction sector


WESSLING water industry


WESSLING industry sector


WESSLING agrictultural sector


WESSLING waste industry

Waste management

Your contact

We will be happy to support you.

Melanie Kriegs

New Sheath Ordinance has been in force now!

Excavator digs excavation

Our experts will advise project developers, planners, clients, and contractors on the implementation.

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